Online EventsIAFFE offers a diverse array of events throughout the year, tailored to address topical issues and to cater to the varied interests of members. Upcoming Online Events IAFFE ACADEMY EVENT IN REVIEWING PROCESS January 21st/ 09:00 AM ET Register here
The event description: This event will be a conversation with Feminist Economics Editors, Wendy Sigle and Elissa Braunstein. Wendy will share general tips for writing effective reviews, discuss the process of knowledge production, and explore the critical role of reviewing in this context. Elissa will guide the discussion with her questions. As part of the IAFFE Academy series, this event serves as a professional development opportunity for those new to feminist economics, providing insights to help build their skills. Along with engaging presentations and discussions from the speakers, the event will include an interactive environment, encouraging the audience to ask questions to explore the reviewing process in detail.
Language: English and Spanish. We aim to translate English interviews into Spanish.
Time: 1 hour.
Recording: The Event will be recorded and available on IAFFE YouTube channel
Speakers: Elissa Braunstein (Colorado State University, USA and Editor of Feminist Economics), Wendy Sigle (London School of Economics and Political Science, UK and Associate Editor of Feminist Economis) Register: here for the online event
Past Online Events
We celebrated Joanna Rostek, author of the award-winning book "Women’s Economic Thought in the Romantic Age", in a fireside chat on June 24th. Joanna's work earned her the prestigious 2023 Suraj Mal and Shyama Devi Agarwal Book Prize. Edith Kuiper moderated the conversation, exploring how Joanna's research sheds light on the history of economic thought and its relevance to contemporary issues. The event was held online, and Joanna's book is available to read Open Access.
We hosted a fireside chat featuring Caroline Shenaz Hossein, Professor of Global Development at the University of Toronto Scarborough, on June 14th. Suzanne Bergeron, Professor Emerita at the University of Michigan Dearborn, led a discussion with Caroline on anti-racist feminist political economy, solidarity economy activities, and her recent book, Beyond Racial Capitalism: Co-operatives in the African Diaspora.
We hosted an insightful conversation with Sara Cantillon, Odile Mackett, and Sara Stevano, authors of the book Feminist Political Economy: A Global Perspective. Moderated by Yazgı Genç, this event delved into the book's central themes and arguments, offering a fresh perspective on the intersections of gender, class, race, and power in the global economic system. We chatted about the authors' vision and inspiration and engaged in a thought-provoking discussion on the future of feminist political economy.
On May 23rd we honor Professor Naila Kabeer's groundbreaking contributions to international development and feminist economics! As a former IAFFE president and renowned scholar, Naila Kabeer has made remarkable contributions to the field, including her iconic book Reversed Realities (1994), which exposes biases in mainstream development theory and policy, paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable approach. We celebrated her legacy and continued impact on feminist economics and gender equality.
On April 24, Stefania Marchina hosted Eliott Mills, Publisher at Taylor & Francis, for an online event on best practices for publishing economics papers. He shared expert insights on journal publication strategies, overcoming common reasons for rejection, Open Access publishing options, and the Annual Inclusive Economics Prize. (see more info here). The recording is available to stream for IAFFE members only. Not a member yet? Join IAFFE today and enjoy this and many other benefits!
Watch our event featuring Stephanie Seguino interviewed by Talia Esnard on Stratification and Structural Change. What is the impact of globalization on inequality? What is its relation to stratification economics?
IAFFE Feminist Economics 101: Özlem Onaran interviewed by Izaskun Zuazu Bermejo on the Green, Purple, and Red Deal, 28 February. Militarism and Gender Equality in the Middle East North Africa (MENA) Region FE 101: Time-Use Surveys: Importance, Challenges, and Future Directions
Explore IAFFE's online events, organized into the tracks below: You can access recordings of all previous online events on IAFFE's YouTube page. - Building Bridges: Explores how to build bridges among stakeholders across different sectors working on key issues within feminist economic agendas. - Feminist Economics 101: Interviews of senior scholars by young/early career scholars about their work and key concepts in feminist economics - Feminist Macroeconomics: Examines critical current issues in macroeconomic theory and policy from a feminist economic lens. - Feminist Economics of Global Reproductive Justice: Highlights the economic channels and impacts of reproductive justice and creates a convening space for global feminist economic reflections to support movements for reproductive justice. - Fireside Chats: Interviews that feature authors of recently released books with important feminist economic content or seminal scholars in the field. - IAFFE Academy: Ongoing professional development events covering all aspects of career-building for those who are new to feminist economics. - Regional Feminist Economic Dialogues: Focuses on feminist economic topics of importance within different regions, held in regional-specific languages and time zones. - Research Methods: Delves into methodological issues within feminist economic research and various aspects of rigorous methods for conducting feminist research. IAFFE Online Events Series is curated by the Online Events Committee! As an IAFFE member, you're welcome to join the Committee and help shape the future of our online events!